Q-17 Which of the following stage of beast Ca corresponds with following feature. Breast mass of 6 × 3 cm size with hard mobile ipsilateral axillary lymph node and ipsilateral supraclavi-cular lymph node :

  1. T4 N2 M0
  2. T3 N1 M1
  3. T4 N1 M1
  4. T3 N2 M0

Ans-17: (d) None (T3 N2 M1)

Q-50 A man with blunt injury abdomen after road side accident has BP of 100/80 mm Hg, pulse 120 bpm. Respiration stabilized through airway. Next best step is :

  1. Immediate blood transfusion
  2. Blood for cross matching + IV fluids
  3. Ventilate the patient
  4. Rush to the OT.

Ans-50: (b) Blood for cross matching + IV fluids

Q-79 A 45-year-old man skidded from the road at high speed and hit a tree. Examples of deceleration injuries in this patient include:

a. Aortic valve rupture

b. Posterior dislocation of shoulder

c. Mesenteric avulsion

d. Stomach rupture

Ans-79: (c) Mesenteric avulsion

Q-117 Drug used for sclerotherapy of varicose veins are all of the following except :

  1. Ethanolamine Oleate
  2. Polidocanol
  3. Ethanol
  4. Sodium tetradecyl sulfate

Ans-117: (c) Ethanol

Q-137 Four days after undergoing hysterectomy, a 30- year-old woman develops phlegmasia cerulean dolens over the right lower extremity. What is the most appropriate treatment?

a. Bed rest and elevation

b. Systemic heparinization

c. Venous thrombectomy

d. Prophylactic vena caval filter

Ans-137: (a) Bed rest and elevation

Q-182 A patient is involved in a high-speed motor vehicle collision. The patient has a GCS score of 7 on arrival. Which of the following is not indicated?

a. Emergent intubation

b. Spinal cord immobilization

c. Placement of an intraventricular catheter

d. Nasogastric tube to prevent aspiration

Ans 182: (d) Nasogastric tube to prevent aspiration

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