Q.1 Energy
requirement in most post surgical adult patients can be met by administration
of :
a. 30 K cal / Kg / day b. 40 K cal / Kg
/ day
c. 50 K cal / Kg / day
d. 60 K cal / Kg / day
Q.2 Object
constancy is a major cognitive milestone that is usually achieved at ?
a. 6 months b. 9
c. 12 months d. 15 months
Q.3 A 54 year
old chronic smoker [ smoking index- 50 pack year ] presents with oral lesion
suggestive of oral leukopalkia. Which of
the following intervention can cause
regression of the lesion ?
a. alph – tocopherol b. Isoretinoin
c. Beta- carotene d. Selenium
Q.4 Cystatin C
is a novel marker of :
a. Fatty liver b. glomerular filtration
c. vitamin K status d. cholestasis
Q.5 The
following statements regarding phenytoin
are true EXCEPT:
a. It is highly bound
to plasma protein
b. It is a prodrug and requires activation in the liver
c. It induces drug
metabolizing enzyme
d. At high
concentration , it follows zero order kinetics
Q.6 Universal
antidote contains the following, EXCEPT :
a. Powdered charcoal b. Tannic acid
c. Ground mustard d. Magnesium
Q.7 Comparing economic
benefits of a program with the cost of the program, it is called :
a. Cost – accounting
b. Input – output
c. Cost- effective Analysis
d. Cost – benefit
Q.8 Following
statement are true in Leptospirosis :
a. It is a zoonosis
b. Presents with fever, petechiae , jaundice and renal
c. Doxycycline , penicillin and macrolides are used in
d. Demonstrated by phase contrast microscopy
Q.9 Risk of
ureteric injury during abdominal hysterectomy in increased in the following
condition except :
a. Endometriosis
b. Pelvic inflammatory
c. Adenomosis
d. Broad ligament
Q.10 Serum albumin
level is a component of which of the following scoring systems:
a. Ranson’s criteria b. APACHE II score
c. Child’s scoring d. ASA
physical status
Q.11 Oxytocin-
a. originates in the
supra-optic nucleus of the hypothalamus
b. is essential for the onset of labour
c. stimulates the
growth of uterine musculature
d. is synthesized by paraventicular nucleus of the hypothalamus
Q.12 Which of the
following is an important feature of Herpes Simplex kertatitis?
a. Ciliary Congestion
b. Corneal haze
c. Pannus
d. Reduced corneal
Q.13 Association
of sexual precocity, multiple cystic bone lesion and endocrinopathies is seen
in ?
a. Mc cune- Albright’s syndrome
b. Granulos cell tumor
c. Arrenhoblastoma
d. Prolactinoma
Q.14 Moth eaten
alopecia is seen in ?
a. Black dot tinea b. Telogen effluvium
c. Alopecia areata d. Secondary syphilis
Q.15 A 12 year old
child a known case of rheumatic heart disease, presents with low grade fever of
one month duration. She has pallor, splenomegaly, clubbing and microscopic
hematuria. The most important you would like to do is :
a. Antistreptolysin O
titre b. C Reactive Protein
c. Urine culture d. Blood culture
Q.16 Mallory
bodies are derived from :a
a. Cytokeratin b.
c. Laminin d. Vimentin
Q.17 All of the
following drugs inhibit microbial cell wall synthesis except :
a. Neomycin b.
c. Meropenem d. Bacitracin
Q.18 Fish tank
granuloma is caused be :
a. Mycobacterium
b. Mycobacterium marinum
c. Mycobacterium
d. Mycobacterium
Q.19 Which of the
following is not True of spasmodic croup ?
a. History of fever is
b. Cough is metallic
c. Larynx is a pale
d. Occurs mostly at
Q.20 The most
common cause of bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is :
a. Aspergillus fumigates b. Aspergillus clavatus
c. Aspergillus flavus d. Aspergillus niger
Q.21 All of the
following are indicators of physical quality of life index, EXCEPT:
a. Infant mortality
b. Life expectancy at
one year
c. Level of living
d. Literacy
Q.22 “La Facies
Sympathique” may be seen in :
a. Hanging b.
c. Drowning d. Suffocation
Q.23 Antigens
presented along with HLA class I stimulate
a. CD8 cells b.
CD4 cells
c. CD2 cells d. CD19 cells
Q.24 Cell shape
and physical structure is provided by :
a. Cell membrane b.
c. microfilaments d. golgi apparatus
Q.25 The cavity of
mesencephalic brain vesicle is :
a. Lateral ventricle b. third ventricle
c. Fourth ventricle d. Cerebral aqueduct
Q.26 Stiffening of
the body muscles after death due to the bread- down of ATP is known as ?
a. Cadaveric rigidity
b. Cadaveric spasm
c. Post mortem
d. Post mortem
Q.27 Commonly,”
One dietary cycle “refers to :
a. One day b. 7 days
c. 14 days d. 21 month
Q .28 “shrinking
lung” is a feature of “:
a. Rheumatoid
arthritis b. SLE
c. Systemic sclerosi d. Polymyositis
Q.29 Wolffian duct
remnant may present in the female as :
a. Gartner’s cyst b.
Bartholin’s cyst
c. Endometriotic cyst d. Fimbrial cyst
Q.30 Rodent ulcer
is the other name for :
a. Squamous cell
b. Malignant melanoma
c. Basal cell carcinoma
d. Actinic keratosis
Q.31 The first
step in conducting an epidemic investigation is to :
a. Determine the case
b. Calculate the
incubation period
c. Determine the
population at risk
d. Verify the diagnosis
Q.32 The following
syndrome is associated with
a. Kallmann’s syndrome
b. Kartagener’s
c. Kostmann’s syndrome
d. Klinefelter
Q.33 In exocrine
pancreatic cancer, the commonest tumor marker
to be elevated is :
a. CA -125 b. CEA
c. CA- 15-3 d. CA- 19-9
Q.34 Recurrences
of herpes genitalis:
a. more with HSV-2
than HSV-1
b. same in both HSV-1
and HSV-2
c. more in HSV-1 than
d. Variable and
insignificant with either type of HSV
Q.35 Which of the
following drugs is useful in the long term treatment of alcohol dependence ?
a. Acamprosate b.
c. Flumazenil d. Imipramine
Q.36 March
fracture is
a. Stress fracture of neck of 2nd metatarsal
b. Stress fracture of
neck of talus
c. Compression
fracture of calcaneum
d. Fracture lower end
of fibula
Q.37 Most frequent
association of cryptorchidism is with :
a. Epididymo-orchitis
b. Hernia
c. Infertility
d. Malignant
Q.38 All of the
following are adverse effects of long-term corticosteroids EXCEPT:
a. Hypoglycemia b.
c. Peptic ulcers d. Osteoporosis
Q.39 Laser
iridotomy is done in :
a. Open Angle glaucoma
b. Angle closure glaucoma
c. Iridocyclitis
d. Posterior capsular
Q.40 An emerging
viral pathogen causing pyelonephritis in
kidney allografts is :
a. Rotavirus b. Herpes simplex virus
c. Polyoma virus d. Influeza
Q.41 Epidemic
outbreak in birds is called:
a. Enzootic b. Epornithic
c. Zoonotic d. Amphixenoses
Q.42 The narrowest
portion of fallopian tube is :
a. Interstitial part b. Isthmus
c. Ampullary d. Infundibulum
Q.43 The commonest
variety of urinary bladder cancer is ?
a. Squamous cell carcinoma
b. Basal cell
c. Transitional cell carcinoma
d. Adenocarcinomas
Q .44 The commonest
systemic abnormality associated with renal cell carcinoma Is :
a. Hypertension b. Polycythemia
c. Elevated ESR d.
Q.45 Which of the
following condition cause congestive heart failure in neonates:
a. Bicuspid Aortic
b. Teralogy of fallot
c. ASD
d. Total anomalous
pulmonary venous return
Q.46 The cause of
gunstock deformity is :
a. Supracondylar fracture
b. Fracture both bones
c. Fracture surgical
head of humerus
d. Fracture fibula
Q.47 Which of
these statements about ulcerative colitis (UC) and colon carcinoma is falce :
a. The risk of
carcinoma increases with duration of UC
b. Overall risk is
less than 5%
c. Cancer of rectum is more common than that of colon
d. Surgery is
indicated if biopsy shows severe epithelial dysplasia
Q.48 A
hypersensitive patient who is a chronic smoker presented with recurrent
hemoptysis. On examination he had cushingoid features. Investigation revealed raised ACTH levels not suppressed by dexamethasone. The single
diagnosis which can account for all his
symptoms is ?
a. Multiple Endocrine
neoplasia I
b. Pitutory adenoma
c. Adenocortical
d. Ectopic ACTH producing tumor
Q.49 All of the following are skin antiseptics Except :
a. chlorhexidine b. ethyl guaiacol
c. isopropyl alcohol d. Povidone iodine
Q.50 Cyclin B is
required for cell cycle progression from :
a. G0 to G1 b. G1 to S
c. S to G2 d. G2 to M
Q.51 Which among
the following drugs is LEAST likely to cause neutropenia ?
a. Chlorambucil b. Methotrexate
c. Cyclophosphamide d. Vincristine
Q.52 Which virus
is NOT a teratogenic virus ?
a. Rubella b.. Cytomegalovirus
c. Herpes simplex d. Measles
Q.53 The commonest
valvular lesion in SLE related cardiac disease is :
a. Tricuspid
b. Mitral regurgitation
c. Mitral stenosis
d. Aortic
Q.54 Safe lights
in a radiographic darkroom are ideally light of which colour?
a. Red b. Blue
c. White d. Yellow
Q.55 Which joints
is not fused in triple arthrodesis?
a. Tibiotalar b. Calcaneo cuboid
c. Talo navicular d. Talo calcaneal
Q.56 Tramline
calcification of the cerebral cortex is seen in ?
a. Tuberous sclerosis
b. Sturge- weber syndrome
c. Von Hippel
Lindau disease
d. Von
Recklinghausen’s disease
Q.57 Which of
these is a sign of left atrial enlargement on a PA chest radiograph ?
a. Elevation of the
right main bronchus
b. Double density on
the left side of the heart shadow
c. Discrete bulge of the left cardiac margin right
d. Displacement of the
trachea to the right
Q.58 District
mental health program war first implemented in :
a. Bellary district, Karnataka
b. Trichy, Tamil Nadu
c. Agra ,
Uttar Pradesh
d. Mumbai, Maharashtra
Q.59 The disease
which imported in to country in which they do not otherwise occur is termed as
a. Endemic b. Exotic
c. Epidemic d. Pandemic
Q.60 ‘ Gandy-
Gamma’ nodules are typically seen In chronic venous congestion of :
a. Lung b. Kidney c. Liver d. Spleen
Q.61 Which of the
morphological from of Leishmania donovani is seen in man ?
a. Promastigote b. Trypomastigote
c. Amastigote d. Epimastigote
Q.62 The primary
visual area is located in the walls of :
a. Parieto – occipital
b. Superior temporal
c. Posterior part of calcarine sulcus
d. Central Sulcus
Q.63 Thumb print
sign in neck radiograph is characteristically seen in :
a. Ludwig’s angina b. Croup
c. Epiglottis d.
Lemierre’s disease
Q.64 One of the
most commonly used drug world wide is :
a. Cannabis b. Alcohol c. Caffeine d. Cocaine
Q.65 The following
may be found in the cortex of the ovary EXCEPT:
a. Primordial
follicles b. Granulosa Cells
c. Hilus cells d.
Corpus luteum
Q.66 A 30 year old
female patient underwent total thyroidectomy. After surgery patient complained
of inability to raise her voice pitch. The most likely cause is injury to ?
a. Internal branch of
superior laryngeal nerve
b. External branch of superior laryngeal nerve
c. Recurrent
laryngeal nerve
d. Ansa cervicalis
Q.67 Lung
compliance is increased in :
a. The presence of
intra- alveolar fluid
b. Acute respiratory
distress syndrome
c. Idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis
d. Emphysema
Q.68 A 2 year old
male child has a head circumference of 55 cms . Which one of the following
intra-uterine infection he might have acquired ?
a. Rubella b. Toxoplasmosis
c. Herpes c. Hepatitis
Q.69 Which one of
the following is a life threatening complication of talc pleurodesis?
a. empyema
b. reexpansion
pulmonary edema
c. hemothorax
Q.70 Haab striae
are seen in :
a. Congenital glaucoma
b. Birth trauma
c. Keratoconus
d. Pseudoexfoliation
Q.71 Hepatocellular
carcinoma is associated with infection caused by :
a. Hepatitis C virus b. Hepatitis E virus
c. Hepatitis G virus d. Hepatitis A virus
Q.72 In thyroid
gland iodide is transported into the lumen of the follicles by :
a. endocytosis b. pendrinprotein
c. antiport
d. primary active transport
Q.73 The vitamin
present in the fatty acid synthase complex is :
a. Thiamine b. Folate
c. Pantothenate d.
Q.74 All of the
following are anti- pseudomonal cephalosporins Except :
a. ceftazidime b. cefoperazone
c. cefpodoxime d.
Q.75 All of the
following are true about acute rhinosinusitis EXCEPT :
a. It is less than 2
weeks of duration
b. Can arise from infectious and non infectious cause
c. most patients
improve without antibiotics
d. fungal variety is
called mucormycosis
Q.76 The art of
winning friends and influencing people is called :
a. Counseling b. Persuasion
c. Education d. Motivation
Q.77 Pseudomembranous
colitis is caused by :
a. Clostridium
b. Clostridium
c. Clostridium difficile
d. Clostridium tetani
Q.78 Which of the
following carcinomas has a better prognosis ?
a. Supraglottis b. Glottis
c. Subglottis d. Epiglottis
Q.79 Which of the
following organism in pus is acid fast with 1% sulphuric acid :
a. Achinomyces israeli
b. Nocardia brasiliensis
c. Streptomyces
d. Blasomyces
Q.80 The dartos
muscle is innervated by:
a. ilioinguinal nerve b. iliohypogastric nerve
c. sympathetic nerve d. pudendal nerve
Q.81 REM sleep
a. is associated with
dreamless sleep
b. occupies 80% of the
total sleep time in full term infants
c. is associated with
sleep walking
d. is associated with
depressed muscle tone
Q.82 Otomycosis is
caused by :
a. Aspergillus niger
b. Histoplasma
c. Rhinosporidum
d. Cryptococcus
Q.83 Type of
anemia developing commonly in a patient carcinoma stomach is :
a. Aplastic anemia b. megaloblastic anemia
c. Haemolytic anemia d.
Iron deficiency anemia
Q.84 The commonest
valvular lesion in SLE related cardiac disease is?
a. Tricuspid
b. Mitral regurgitation
c. Mitral stenosis
d. Aortic
Q.85 The following
drug is predominantly a dual serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor :
a. Fluvoxamine b. Dulaxetine
c. Fluoxetine d. Paroxetine
Q.86 In triage,
green color indicates :
a. Ambulatory
b. Moribund patients
c. High priority
treatment or transfer
d. Medium priority or
Q.87 Bexarotene an
oral retinoid is indicated in :
a. Severe acne
vulgaris b. pustular psoriasis
c. Mycosis fungoides d. lichen
Q.88 Which of the
following is the most common of sensory neural hearing loss in adults?
a. Meniere’s disease
b. presbycusis
c. cerebellopontine
angel tumor
d. trauma
Q.89 Drugs that
may increase anticoagulant effect of warfarin include all of the following
except :
a. Fluconazole b. Aspirin
c. Rifampicin d.
Q.90 Gastrointestinal
stromal tumour originates from :
a. Interstitial cells of cajal b.
Parietal cells
c. Enteroendocrine
cells d. Chief cells
Q.91 Retina
develops from :
a. Neural ectoderm b.
c. Surface ectoderm d. Mesoderm
Q.92 Consumption
of even a moderate amount of alcohol during pregnancy is associated with :
a. Goiter- like symptoms
in the fetus
b. Mental retardation in the newborn
c. Increased risk of
spontaneous abortion
d. Fetal alcohol
Q.93 Hamman’s sing
is seen in :
a. pneumomediastinum
b. pericardial effusion
c. SVC obstruction d.
Q.94 Which one of
the following is acontraindication for Liver transplantation:
a. Ongoing substance abuse
b. Hepatorenal
c. Portal hypertension
d. Acute liver failure
Q.95 Amongst the
following, the LEAST risk of malignant disease of bone or cartilage is seen
with :
a. Chondroblastoma
b. Maffucci’s syndrome
c. Ollier’s disease
d. Familial
retinoblastoma syndrome
Q.96 A 13 year old
male is injected with 5 TU of tuberculin antigen. After 72 hours , reading
recorded is 15mm x 10mm . Which of the following statements is true regarding
the test result :
a. Positive test –
Type I reaction
b. Positive test – Type IV reaction
c. Negative test –
Type I reaction
d. Negative test –
Type Iv reaction
Q.97 Oral hairy
leukoplakia occurs in :
a. Carcinoma tongue
b. Oral candidiasis
d. Infectious
Q.98 Blackwater
fever is seen in :
a. Leishmaniasis b. Falciparum malaria
c. Trypanosomiasis d. leptospirosis
Q.99 The gap in
time between the onset of primary case and the secondary case is called :
a. Serial interval
b. Generation Time
c. Communicable period
d. Median Incubation
Q.100 The cell which
forms blood – testis barrier is :
a. Spermatogonia b. primary
c. Leydig cell
d. sertoli cells
Q.101 Which among
the following is not and adverse effect of furosemide ?
a. Hypokalemia b. Ototoxicity
c. Hypercalcemia d.
Q.102 In giant cell
tumor of bone, the tumour cell are :
a. Sinusoidal lining
b. Osteoclastic giant
c. Fibroblastic cells
d. Mononuclear stromal cells
Q.103 Germ theory of
disease was advanced by :
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Lemmuel Shattuck
c. William Budd
d. Anton van
Q.104 Copper
sulphate poisoning manifests with :
a. Acute hemolysis
b. High anion gap
c. Peripheral
d. Rhabdomyolysis
Q.105 The sensory
nerve supply of the fallopian tube and ovary is from which nerve roots?
a. D6 to D8 b. D8 to D10
c. D10 to D12 d. L1
to L2
Q.106 The most
common benign lesion of the liver is :
a. Hemangioma
b. Hepatic adenoma
c. Focal nodular
d. Hepatoblastoma
Q.107 Coeliac plexus
block :
a. Can be used to relieve pain from intra-abdominal
b. May cause
c. May cause
d. Cause constriction
of the sphincter of Oddi
Q.108 A child whose
weight for height is > 80% and height for age is < 90% is said to be :
a. normal b . stunted
c. wasted d. Wasted and stunted
Q.109 The ratio
between the uterine corpus and the cervix at birth is :
a. 1:1 b. 1:2
c. 2:1 d. 3:1
Q.110 The typical
orphan- Annie eye’ nucleus is described in :
a. Serous
cystadenocarcinoma of ovary
b. Renal cell
c. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
Q.111 The major
cause of low birth in countries with high proportion of low birth weight is :
a. Maternal anemia
b. Pre- term
c. Maternal
d. Intra uterine growth retardation
Q.112 Planned
end-point of all activites is :
a. Objectives b. Goals
c. Targets d. Results
Q.113 Chronic zinc
deficiency causes :
a. Hirsutism b. Gynecomastia
c. Stunted growth d. Hypergeusia
Q.114 Enteroclysis
a. Contrast study of small bowl fluroscopicaly
b. Double contrast
study of colon fluroscopicaly
c. Laparoscopic lysis
of adhesion
d. Enema with chemical
Q.115 Regarding
spinal anaesthesia:
a. The spinal cord
terminates at L4
b. Aqueous 0.5% bupivacaine Is hyperbaric
c. Bradycardia may be
treated with IV Ephedrine
d. High block impairs
the ability to cough
Q.116 Which is true
of Panic disorder ?
a. It is characterized by recurrent and unpredictable panic attack
b. The panic attacks
always occur in specific situation
c. Autonomic symptoms
are rare in panic disorder
d. The panic attacks
evolve very slowly
Q.117 The veins of
the pericardium drain into
a. Superior vena cava
b. inferior vena cava
c. azygos vein
d. left
brachiocephalic vein
Q.118 Blood flow of
resting skeletal muscle is :
a. 1-1.5ml/ 100 gm/
b. 2-4ml/ 100 gm/ min
c. 5-7ml/ 100 gm/ min
d. 8-10 ml/ 100 gm/
Q.119 Tension
pneumothorax is associated with :
a. Mediastinal displacement away from the lesion
b. Decreased
percussion note on the side of the lesion
c. Increased blood
d. Stridor
Q.120 Carriers of
Avirulent organisms are called :
a. Healthy carriers b. Temporary carriers
c. Inapparent carriers d. Pseudo- carriers
Q.121 An
adenofibroma of ovary in which the epithelial component consists of nests of
transitional cells is called
a. Thecoma
b. Granulosa cell
c. Brenner tumour
d. Serous cystadenofibroma
Q.122 All of the
following drugs can be used for the prophylaxis of migraine EXCEPT :
a. Propranolol b. Sumatriptan
c. Amitriptyline d. Flunarizine
Q.123 The
biosynthesis of the enzyme pyruvate carboxylase is repressed by ?
a. Insulin b. Glucagon
c. Cortisol d. Epinephrine
Q.124 Test used to
find fixed flexion deformity of hip is ?
a. Levin Punch test b. Thomas test
c. Telescopy test d.
Lasegue test
Q.125 Which of the
following radio- nucleides is used to identify ectopic gastric mucosa ?
a. 99m Tc- pertechnetate
b. 99m Tc- sulphur
c. 99m Tc-
labeled red cells
d. 99m Tc-
albumen macroaggregates
Q.126 The highest
risk of malignant transformation in the oral cavity is seen in ?
a. Oral submucous
b. Erythroplakia
c. Oral lichen planus
d. Discoid lupus
Q.127 Left ovarian
vein drains into
a. Left renal vein b. Internal ileac vein
c. Inferior vena cava d.
Azygos vein
Q.128 Sjogren’s
Syndrome Affects
a. Exocrine glands b. Paracrine glands
c. endocrine glands d. autocrine glands
Q.129 Treatment of
choice for septate uterus with a high pregnancy success rate is :
a. Strassman operation
b. Jones and jones
c. Tomkins operation
d. Hysteroscopic metroplasty
Q.130 A 62 year man
with carcinoma lung presented to emergency department with respiratory distress
. ECG showed electrical alternans . Most likely diagnosis is :
a. pneumothorax
b. pleural effusion
c. cardiac temponade
d. constrictive
A 4-year old male child is brought to he pediatric
outpatient department with sore throat and fever for two days and noisy
breathing with inability to swallow for
the past four hours. Examination showed a toxic , tachypneic child with
inspiratory stridor and drooling of saliva. There is suprasternal,
supraclavivular and intercostals recession during inspiration. No stridor heard during expiration .
Q.131 The child’s
clinical presentation suggests :
a. Intrathoracic
airway obstruction
b. Extrathoracic
airway obstruction
c. Belladonna
d. Bronchopneumonia
Q.132 The appropriate
next course of action is :
a. Arrange things for
securing airway
b. Give urgent stomach
c. Immediate throat
examination for a foreigen body
d. Sedate the child
Q.133 X- ray neck
lateral view in this child is likely to reveals :
a. Steeple sign b. Thumb sign
c. Scabbard trachea d. Normal
Q.134 The child
needs to be treated with :
a. Neostigmine b. Chelating agent
c. Urgent
adenoidectomy d. Antibiotics
A 75 –year old woman with chronic atrial fibrillation
presented to the hospital with a 2 – day history of colicky abdominal pain .
The physical examination revealed hypoactive bowel sounds and diffuse abdominal
tenderness. Laboratory tests showed a white- cell count of 19,400 per cubic
millimeter with 92 % neutrophils, a
blood urea nitrogen level of 42 mg per deciliter ( 15 mmol per liter ) , and a serum creatinine level of 3.0
mg per deciliter (267 µmol
per liter )
Q.135 The plain skiagram in this patient would have revealed
a. Gas under the diaphragm
b. Dilated sigmoid colon
c. Dilated gas filled small
bowel with thickening of the wall
d. Colon
cut off sign
Q.136 The investigation of choice would be
a. Contrast enhanced CT abdomen
b. Duplex Doppler of the abdomen
c. MRI scan of the abdomen
d. Ultrasonography of abdomen
Q.137 The most probable diagnosis in this patient would be ?
a. Portal vein thrombosis
b. Mesenteric ischemia
c. Intestinal perforation
d. Lynch syndrome
Q.138 The common cause for this problem would be
a. Occlusion of the portal vein
b. Occlusion of the superior
mesenteric vessel
c. Occlusion of the inferior mesenteric vessel
d. Perforation of the duodeneum
A twenty year old female patient was stabbed with an ice pick in the
xiphistemum , brought to the causality in stupor, very pale, tachycardia,
feeble pulse prominent neck veins and muffled heart sounds on auscultation
Q.139 The investigation of choice in this patient would be
a. Bedside ultrasound of chest
b. Electrocardiogram
c. CT chest
d. Plain chest skiagram
Q.140 The most likely problem in this patient is :
a. tension pneumothorax
b. haemothorax
c. pericardial tamponade
d. diaphragmatic hernia
Q.141 Immediate treatment of this condition is
a. massive infusion through wide bore needle
b. immediate ILC placement
(inter costal drain)
c. immediate thoracotomy
d. pericardiocentesis
A 60 year old male has a long
standing history of breathlessness. He has been a heavy smoker since the age of
20 years. Physical examination reveals an anxious male who is emaciated ,
puffing for breath but is not cyanosed. The chest is barrel shaped .
Q.142 An additional clinical finding would be
a. elevated domes of the diaphragm
b. left ventricular hypertrophy
c. muffled heart sounds
d. gynecomastia
Q.143 The primary pathology of the lung in this patient is associated
with which of the following pathogenetic mechanisms?
a. Type I hypersensitivity
b. unabated action of proteases
c. deposition of immune complexes
d. deficiency of a protein produced by the liver
Q.144 The
investigation of choice in this patient would be
a. High resolution CT
b. Contrast Enhanced
c. Plain skiagram
d. Ultrasound chest
A 45 yr old nulliparous perimenopausal women comes with a
6 cm lump in the right upper quadrant with puckering of the overlying skin and
a small of ulceration, on further examination she has three axillary firm
palpable lymph node in the same side, she also has one lymph node in the
supraclavicular area, rest of the systems are clinically normal .
Q.145 The most
appropriated investigation which was ordered from the outpatient department was
a. Estimation of BRCA
b. Core needle biopsy
c. Mamogram
d. Ultrasonography
Q.146 The clinical staging of this case would be
a. T3 N2 M1
b. T4 N2 M0
c. T4a N3c M0
d. T4b N3b
M0 Schwartz p 452
A 38 year old homeless male develops sudden onset
hematemesis following a bout of severe vomiting and retching . He had not
complaints prior to the onset of his symptoms. On examination , he is pale and
looks enxious. The vital sign are normal . Lab investigation show normal liver
function tests , a low Hb and a high MCV . Chest X- ray is normal .
Q.147 The probable
diagnosis in the patient is :
a. Variceal vein
b. Mallory weiss Syndrome
c. Barrett’s esophagus
d. Boerhave’s disease
Q.148 He should have
an immediate
a. Barium swallow b. Upper GI scopy
c. Chest X- ray
d. ultrasound of abdomen
Q.149 The above
problem on endoscopy would appear as
a. dilated veins in
lower esophagus
b. growth in the lower
c. linear tear in the OG junction
d. whitish plaques in
A 58 year old healthy man was evaluated for a toothache of
2 days’ duration . He was treated with oral penicillin and an opiate analgesic
and advised to have the affected teeth pulled. He returned less than 24 hours
later reporting severe swelling in the neck sore throat , chills and chest
pain. On examination the floor of this oral cavity was indurated and woody, and
he had marked tenderness and adenopathy throughout his neck. He had erythema
spreading from his neck down over his anterior chest wall where his chest pain
was localized .
Q.150 The patient
was suffering from
a. Quinsy b. Ludwigs angina
c. Acute parotitis d. Angioneurotic edema
Q.151 This condition
is an surgical emergency as it can lead to
a. air way obstruction
b. difficulty in swallowing
c. aspiration
Q.152 The infection
spreads to the
a. submental, sublingual, and submandibular spaces
b. parapharangeal
c. nasopharyngeal area
d. sinusis
Q.153 The treatment
of choice in such an condition would be
a. Surgical decompression antibiotic and intensive care
b. Antifungal Therapy
c. Removal of the
offending tooth
d. Continue the
penicillin in larger doses
A 40 year old
veterinarian presented with complaints of abdominals pain. On examination he
was found be icteric, the liver was
palpable, Ultrasonograph revealed the presence of cyst in the right lobe of
Q.154 The clinical
picture is suggestive of infection caused by
a. Enteromonas hominis
b. Echinococcus granulosus
c. Endolimax nana
Q.155 The definitive
hosts of the agent causing this infection are
a. Human b. Dogs c. Reptiles d. Deer
Q.156 The skin
hypersensitive test performed in this infection is the
a. Patch test
b. Napier’s aldehyde
c. Casoni’s test
d. Sabin- Feldman dye
Q.157 The antigen
used to perform the skin test is sterilized using the
a. Hot air oven b. Gamma radiation
c. Autoclaving d. Seitz filter
A healthy 10 year old girl presented to her physician with
nontender, well- circumscribed, mobile, slightly hyperkeratotic, erythematous
plazues on the dorsal aspect of the interphalangeal joints of both thumb s. The
plaques had developed over several months
Q.158 These bilaterally
sycuntrical lesion are known as
b. Garrod’s pads
b. Herbeden nodules
c. Erythema nodosum
d. Erythema marginatum
Q.159 The diagnosis
in this healthy young girls would be
a. bulimia nervosa b. rheumatic fever
c. rheumatoid
arthritis d. scarlet fever
Q.160 This kind of
knuckle pads are also associated with all of the following EXCEPT ?
a. Dupuytren’
b. Ledderhose’
c. Bart- pumphery
d. Rheumatic
A 45 year- old man presented with a 3 year history of a
painless, soft and slow – growing swelling of the neck, upper trunk, upper back
and shoulders. The patient had a history of heavy alcohol consumption and was
non-smoker. Laboratory blood analysis showed minor elevation in as partate
aminotransferase (71 U per liter) , ala-nine aminotransferase (49 U per liter),
and total cholesterol ( 235 mg per deciliter [6.08 mmol per liter]). Triglye-
diffuse , nonencapsulated fatty deposits in the mediastinum and in the
subcutaneous and deeper fascial compartments of the neck, upper and back.
Q.161 The probable
diagnosis of the patient is
a. Tuberculosis
b. Rheumatoid arthritis
c. Madelung’s disease d. Hodgkin’s
Q.162 This condition
is seen in
a. Renal insufficiency
b. Hypercalcemia
c. Tuberculosis d. Alcohol dependency
Q.163 This condition
is more common in
a. Male b.
c. Indians d. Children
Q.164 The treatment for this patient would be
a. Statins b. Aspirin
c. B complex d. Anticoagulants
Q.165 Which enzyme
is specific indicator of alcohol induced liver damage
c. GGTP d. All of the above
A 25 year old female patient presented with history of
bilateral hearing loss and tinnitus which worsened during pregnancy . She can
hear better in noisy environment . She speaks in a low volume monotonous voice.
Examination showed normal looking ear drums bilaterally and Rinne test negative
bilaterally. Pure tone audiometry revealed Air-bone with dip in bone conduction
at 2 KHz
Q.166 What is the
most probable diagnosis
a. Meniere’s disease
b. Secretory otitis
c. Bilateral acoustic
d. Otosclerosis
Q.167 Rinne test
negative bilaterally means:
a. Bilateral
conductive hearing loss
b. Bilateral
sensorineural hearing loss
c. Bilateral normal
middle ear function
d. Bilateral acoustic
nerve tumors
Q.168 In the above
patient, dip in bone conduction at 2 KHz is called
a. Moore ’s sign b.
Carhart’s notch
c. Schwartz’s sign d. Thumb sign
Q.169 The treatment
of this patient is
a. Endolymphatic sac
b. Myringotomy and
grommet insertion
c. Stapedotomy and
piston insertion
d. Retrosigmoid
approach and exicision
A 6yr old child who
presented with perianal pruritus, excoriation of skin and nocturnal enuresis
was diagnosed to be infected with a parasite causing autoinfection
Q.170 The causative
agent is
a. Trichinella
b. Giardia lamblia
c. Enterobius vermicularis
d. Wuchereria
Q.171 The adult
forms of the parasite are known to inhabit the
a. Caecum, appendix
& ascending colon
b. Subcutaneous
c. Subcutaneous &
lymphatic tissues
d. Proximal small
Q.172 The infective
from of the parasite for human in the
a. Filariform larvae b. Embryonated egg
c. Trophozoite form d. Quadrinucleate cyst
Q.173 The causative
agent is diagnosed by the
a. NIH swab method
b. String test
c. Hetrazan test
d. Encysted larvae on
muscle biopsy
A 60 year old male present with progressive difficulty in
swallowing, vomiting and occasional regurgitation for the past 3 months .
Barium studies showed marked dilatation of the upper esophagus with narrowing
of the lower segment. Manometry shows absent esophageal peristalsis.
Q.174 The
pathogenesis of his condition is most likely related to
a. Reflux of gastric
acid into the lower esophagus
b. abnormal dilatation
of lower esophageal vein
c. incompetence of the
lower esophageal sphincter
d. absence of ganglion
cells in the myenteric plexus of the esophagus
Q.175 Which of the
following condition is he most likely at risk of developing ?
a. Mallory weiss
b. Peptic ulcer
c. Squamous cell
carcinoma of the esophagus
d. Rupture of
esophangeal varices
Q.176 He would also
present to clinician with
a. recurrent chest
b. recurrent bleeding
upper GI
c. recurrent colicky
abdominal pain
d. esophangeal
Q.177 This patient
needs to have
a. balloon dilatation b. endoscopic banding
c. sclerotherapy d. proton pump inhibitor
A 69 year old female is being evaluated for constipation and episode of blood stained stools. Lab investigation show normal CBC and barium studies showed out – pouching of the sigmoid colon in multiple areas
Q.178 This patient
has most likely developed the complication of
a. Pseudomyxoma
b. herniation of the
colonic wall at the sites of focal
c. absence of ganglion
cells in the meissner plexus within the colon
d. atherosclerotic
narrowing of the mesenteric arteries
Q.179 Three weeks
later she develops fever. Left sided abdominal pain and diarrhea. Viral signs
are : T- 102° F (38° C), with tenderness in the left iliac fossa. Probable causes is
a. Metastasis to the
b. Acute ischemic
c. Perforation of the
d. Crohn’ disease
Q.180 The
investigation of choice in this patient with the above complication would be
a. Computed Tomography
b. Ultrasound abdomen
c. Colonoscopy with
d. Barium enema
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